The Smart Cities and Regional Development (SCRD) Open Access Publishing together with Smart-EDU Hub initiatives seek to advance the academic discourse surrounding sustainable regional development and education through collaborative, cross-disciplinary engagement, promoting equitable access to knowledge and fostering innovation. 

Both platforms represents a notable undertaking, aimed at promoting open, inclusive, and informed discourse pertaining to the issues surrounding Smart Cities among all interested stakeholders. It was conceived with the purpose of fostering scholarly debate and analysis of various facets of urban life in Romania and beyond, employing a multidisciplinary scientific approach that addresses historical, contemporary and future trends, grounded in the fundamental principles of democratic governance and adherence to state regulations.

It is noteworthy to mention that these commendable initiatives are spearheaded by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration's Faculty of Public Administration from Bucharest, Romania. As such, these endeavors represent an integral aspect of the university's commitment to promoting academic excellence, innovative scholarship, and collaborative research across diverse fields, particularly those pertaining to public administration, urban studies, regional development, and education. By leveraging the university's vast resources and expertise, these initiatives aim to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in their respective domains, while also fostering meaningful partnerships and collaborations among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the broader public.


  • Smart Cities and Regional Development (SCRD) Journal

    SCRD - The Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal (ISSN: 2537-3803, ISSN-L: 2537-3803, ISSN online: 2821-7888) is built by the Smart-EDU Hub within The Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies & Public Administration.

    SCRD Journal is committed to an international perspective of the Smart City concept, promoting articles in all areas of the concept, such as: Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Mobility, Smart Living and Smart State, and making them widely available through open access publishing.

    The SCRD Journal publishes empirical and theoretical contributions from all over the world in the mentioned area of research. Its aims are to disseminate results of rigorous and relevant studies, to expose positions and commentaries regarding the development of the concept.

  • Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) Proceedings

    The Proceedings of the Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - ISSN: 2972-1032, ISSN-L: 2501-1677, are edited and published by Pro Universitaria Publishing House. Accredited by the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas, and University Certificates (CNATDCU) in the field of Social Sciences, and by the National Council of Scientific Research (CNCS) in the field of Humanities, Pro Universitaria is our main partener in helping us deliver the key ideas and spreading knoledge around the most important actors on the governance sphere.

    The conference is an early event dedicated to open, inclusive, formal and informal dialogue on Smart Cities issues among all interested stakeholders. It was built from the organizers’ desire to put into an academic debate different aspects of Romanian cities’ life, but also of the cities outside the country’s borders, through multidisciplinary scientific approaches that will talk about the past, present and future, starting from: acceptance of democracy as the most efficient tool of governance and also acceptance and compliance with the state’s rules.

  • International Conference on Machine Intelligence & Security for Smart Cities (TRUST) Proceedings

    The Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence & Security for Smart Cities (TRUST) - ISSN Print: 3061-2330, ISSN Online: 3061-2411, ISSN-L 3061-2330, are edited and published by Pro Universitaria Publishing House. Accredited by the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas, and University Certificates (CNATDCU) in the field of Social Sciences, and by the National Council of Scientific Research (CNCS) in the field of Humanities, Pro Universitaria is our main partener in helping us deliver the key ideas and spreading knoledge around the most important actors on the governance sphere. The conference is an early event dedicated to open, inclusive, formal and informal dialogue on Machine Intelligence and Security issues among all interested stakeholders.

    Participant’s interventions will primarily focus on the following aspects, but will not be limited only to these ones: artificial intelligence, cyber management, information sabotage, fake news, (personal) data security. The list may also include ongoing researches and case studies on cybercrimes, data leaks, face recognition challenges and opportunities, AI and IoT risks.

  • Impact Studies on E-Government and Smart Cities (ISEGOV)

    În perioada 2010 - 2016, au fost efectuate un număr de cinci (4+1) studii de impact / analize care au radiografiat starea website-urilor oficiale ale tuturor municipalităților din România - seria acestora a reînceput în 2024 cu un stidiu similar efectuat asupra tuturor celor 103 primării de municipiu din România. Bineînțeles însă că existența unor platforme web bine întreținute nu înseamnă că ele sunt și folosite de cetățeni sau de mediul de afaceri. Noile metode de administrare nu necesită doar soluții inovative, dar și „cetățeni inteligenți”. 

  • Student Papers on Smart Cities and E-Governance (SPoSC&EGOV) Repository

    Student Papers on Smart Cities and E-Governance (SPoSC&EGOV) Repository - ISSN: 3008-2196, ISSN-L: 3008-2196, consists of bachelor and master theses on e-Governance and Smart Cities, defended at the Faculty of Public Administration within the National University of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA).