National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
About the Journal
The Proceedings of the Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - ISSN: 2972-1032, ISSN-L: 2501-1677, are edited and published by Pro Universitaria Publishing House. Accredited by the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas, and University Certificates (CNATDCU) in the field of Social Sciences, and by the National Council of Scientific Research (CNCS) in the field of Humanities, Pro Universitaria is our main partener in helping us deliver the key ideas and spreading knoledge around the most important actors on the governance sphere.
The group of authors consists of experts and researchers from various fields in the social and humanist disciplines. They come from diverse areas such as political science, communication, legal science, medical science, European integration studies, sociology, architecture, economy, computer science, and cybernetics. Their affiliations range from governments, intergovernmental organizations, private sector, technical community, academia, and civil society. Their common objective is to discuss and collaborate on issues related to Smart Cities.
Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) objectives are:
- Raise awareness and promote a better understanding of the Smart Cities concept among stakeholders.
- Build and strengthen the capacity of these stakeholders to actively participate in national, regional and international Smart Cities developing process.
- Facilitate multistakeholder discussions, exchanges and collaboration on Smart Cities related issues that are of particular concern for stakeholders.
- Contribute to creating linkages between the Smart Cities realities at the national, European and international level.
Indexing and Abstracting:
SCIC Journal is indexed in following databases:
(RePEc - Research Papers in Economics)
(Google Scholar)
(EconPapers - Economics at your fingertips)
(Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network)
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