
  • Sustainability and Innovation
    Vol. 11 (2023)

    Proceedings of the 11th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2023
    Pro Universitaria Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-26-1935-0

    The 11th edition of the Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC), held in December 2023, focused on "Sustainability and Innovation," bringing together experts from prestigious institutions worldwide to discuss pivotal aspects of smart city development. Organized by the Smart-EDU Hub within the Faculty of Public Administration at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, the conference featured meticulously curated presentations and papers reflecting the latest advancements and research in smart cities. Key topics included the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in public administration, the adoption and usage factors of wearable technology, and strategies to enhance public trust in political leaders through smart democracy initiatives. Discussions also covered the implications of the circular economy for cultural heritage protection, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in transitioning to cloud or hybrid cloud environments, and the challenges in designing data structures for smart cities. The concept of digital sovereignty in hyperconnected smart cities and innovative solutions for smart public transit systems were also highlighted. These contributions underscore the critical role of innovation and sustainability in shaping the future of smart cities globally, fostering collaborative learning and the exchange of pioneering ideas.

  • Accelerating innovation
    Vol. 10 (2022)

    Proceedings of the 10th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2022
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978-630-6590-08-7
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-28-1715-2

    The Proceedings of the Smart Cities International Conference, 10th Edition, 2022, encapsulate a broad array of research and discussions around the theme of smart cities and accelerating innovation. The conference material covers a myriad of topics ranging from artificial intelligence and deep learning to healthcare and data security in smart cities. Contributions like Catalin Vrabie's "Deep Learning. Viitorul inteligenței artificiale și impactul acesteia asupra dezvoltării tehnologiei" explore the future of artificial intelligence in technology development, while other papers such as "Using a modern honeypot model to defend smart cities" by Guy Waizel delve into cybersecurity aspects pertinent to urban areas. Additional topics include the intersection of digital and traditional education, sustainable architecture, urban mobility, and the role of small and medium enterprises in smart city development. The proceedings also feature discussions on specific technologies like the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and AI biases, thereby providing a comprehensive overview of current trends, challenges, and solutions in the realm of smart cities.

  • Speeding Up History
    Vol. 9 (2021)

    Proceedings of the 9th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2021
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-9062-93-7
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-28-1545-5

    The Speeding up history conference featured a diverse range of topics, including cyberbiosecurity, sustainable corporate governance, and digitalization in public administration. Other topics covered included urban resilience management, health security in the context of COVID-19, smart education, and the role of religious authorities in the cyberspace. The conference also explored the use of technology for sustainability, such as smart cities and IoT systems for monitoring water parameters and reducing household water consumption. Additionally, there were discussions on nonformal learning and the use of GIS solutions for smart city development. Overall, the conference provided a platform for experts in different fields to exchange ideas and insights on how technology can shape the future.

  • Spotlight 2030
    Vol. 8 (2020)

    Proceedings of the 8th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2020
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-9062-74-6
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-28-1372-7

    This list of journal articles covers a wide range of topics related to smart cities, urbanism, digitalization, and innovation in Romania and beyond. Some articles explore the potential of smart cities to improve quality of life, mobility, safety, and environmental sustainability, while others focus on specific technologies such as fog computing, visible light communication, or bioenergy. The role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in creating sustainable cities is also examined, as well as the challenges and opportunities of implementing smart policies and governance models. Some articles also address issues related to risk management, circular economy, and intelligent urbanism, while others discuss the legal and historical contexts of specific regions in Romania.

  • Shaping the Cities of Tomorrow
    Vol. 7 (2019)

    Proceedings of the 7th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2019
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-9062-44-9
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-28-1118-1

    The collection of articles covers a range of topics related to smart technologies, sustainability, and public administration. Some articles explore the implementation of smart solutions in various fields such as waste management, healthcare, and education, while others discuss the challenges and opportunities of adopting smart technologies in different regions. Sustainability is also a prominent theme in several articles, focusing on the importance of reducing disparities between cities, promoting eco-friendly practices, and ensuring resilience in the face of natural disasters. Additionally, the collection includes articles that examine the transformation of public administration and governance models, as well as the impact of social media on business development.

  • Smart Solutions - From Design to Practice
    Vol. 6 (2018)

    Proceedings of the 6th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2018
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-9062-34-0
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-28-1018-4

    The collection of articles covers a range of topics related to governance, technology, and urban development. It includes discussions on the role of permanent electoral authorities in national elections, the optimization of resources in urban communities, and the development of smart cities. Other articles explore the impact of illegal immigration on the governance system of cities, the use of information and communication technologies in smart cities, and the evaluation of preconditions for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Romania. The collection also includes discussions on the effects of the internet on the human brain, the development of e-governance, and the importance of education in innovative technologies. Overall, the articles provide valuable insights into various aspects of governance, technology, and urban development.

  • Crearea unui Mediu Propice Dezvoltării Orașelor Inteligente
    Vol. 5 (2017)

    Proceedings of the 5th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2017
    Universul Academic Publishing House - ISBN 978‐606‐94702‐2‐0
    Universitară Publishing House - ISBN 978‐606‐28‐0828‐0

    The articles cover a wide range of topics related to the impact of digitalization on various aspects of society, from smart cities and green clusters to the challenges of public administration and the risks of the digital era. One study focuses on the implementation of the European digital agenda in Romania, using the national electronic payment system as a case study. Another article describes a pilot project for modern and intelligent public lighting in the Municipality of Resita, while a third explores the potential of smart cities and clusters as partnerships for economic growth and job creation in Romania. There are also articles that discuss the importance of energy-efficient home design, the role of circular economy in smart city development, and emerging trends in the Internet of Things. The collection of articles also addresses social issues, such as generational perspectives on the development of society and the risks of the digital era.

  • Rolul Administrațiilor Locale în Construirea Orașelor Inteligente
    Vol. 4 (2016)

    Proceedings of the 4th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2016
    Pro Universitaria Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-26-0822-4

    The collection of articles covers a diverse range of topics related to Romania's long-term development, including social innovation, public administration, urbanism, tourism, and heritage conservation. Several articles focus on the role of technology and smart solutions in addressing social and environmental challenges, such as obesity, transportation, and eco-efficiency. Other articles explore the need for ethical and innovative approaches to public administration and professional training. The collection also highlights the importance of recognizing and preserving Romania's cultural heritage and historical monuments. Overall, the articles offer insights and suggestions for creating positive social change in Romania through interdisciplinary collaboration and strategic planning.

  • Sesiunea de comunicări științifice „Orașul inteligent” - Ediția a III-a
    Vol. 3 (2015)

    Proceedings of the 3rd Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2015
    Pro Universitaria Publishing House

    The articles listed cover a wide range of topics related to urban development and the use of technology in the public sector. They touch on issues such as sustainable urban development, the use of cloud computing in healthcare, smart city initiatives, and the role of artificial intelligence in water supply systems. Some articles also focus on the challenges faced by small cities in implementing these technologies. Overall, the articles highlight the importance of innovation and digital transformation in creating more efficient and sustainable public services, and offer insights into strategies for achieving these goals.

  • Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice „Oraşul inteligent” - Ediția a II-a
    Vol. 2 (2014)

    Proceedings of the 2nd Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2014
    Economică Publishing House - ISBN 978-973-709-745-3

    The collection of articles covers a wide range of topics related to smart cities and public services, including innovation, inclusivity, digital infrastructure, and the role of local government. There is a focus on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve services and increase efficiency. Additionally, the articles examine the importance of sustainability and citizen participation in the development of smart cities. Some articles also explore the impact of social media and the need for information security in the public sector. The collection provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of creating smart cities and improving public services.

  • Sesiunea de comunicări științifice „Orașul inteligent” - Ediția I
    Vol. 1 (2013)

    Proceedings of the 1st Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - November 2013
    Economică Publishing House - ISBN 978-973-709-701-9

    The collection of articles covers various topics related to the development and improvement of cities, with a focus on the European context. The articles address issues such as the concept of smart cities, e-governance, the use of technology in urban planning, and the importance of sustainable development. Additionally, there are articles that discuss the history and architecture of European cities, as well as the challenges of transportation and accessibility. Overall, the articles offer insights into the complex and interconnected factors that shape the urban landscape, and the need for innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by cities today.