National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Vol. 4 (2016): Rolul Administrațiilor Locale în Construirea Orașelor Inteligente

Proceedings of the 4th Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) - December 2016
Pro Universitaria Publishing House - ISBN 978-606-26-0822-4
The collection of articles covers a diverse range of topics related to Romania's long-term development, including social innovation, public administration, urbanism, tourism, and heritage conservation. Several articles focus on the role of technology and smart solutions in addressing social and environmental challenges, such as obesity, transportation, and eco-efficiency. Other articles explore the need for ethical and innovative approaches to public administration and professional training. The collection also highlights the importance of recognizing and preserving Romania's cultural heritage and historical monuments. Overall, the articles offer insights and suggestions for creating positive social change in Romania through interdisciplinary collaboration and strategic planning.