National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
About the Journal
SCRD - The Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal (ISSN: 2537-3803, ISSN-L: 2537-3803, ISSN online: 2821-7888) is built by the Smart-EDU Hub within The Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies & Public Administration.
Aims & Scope
SCRD Journal is committed to an international perspective of the Smart City concept, promoting articles in all areas of the concept, such as: Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Mobility, Smart Living and Smart State, and making them widely available through open access publishing.
The SCRD Journal publishes empirical and theoretical contributions from all over the world in the mentioned area of research. Its aims are to disseminate results of rigorous and relevant studies, to expose positions and commentaries regarding the development of the concept.
The Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal objectives are:
- Raise awareness and promote a better understanding of the Smart Cities concept among stakeholders.
- Build and strengthen the capacity of these stakeholders to actively participate in national, regional and international Smart Cities developing process.
- Facilitate multistakeholder discussions, exchanges and collaboration on Smart Cities related issues that are of particular concern for stakeholders.
- Contribute to creating linkages between the Smart Cities realities at the national, European and international level.
The SCRD Journal does not have any article submission, processing or publishing fee.
Other important details:
- The SCRD Journal uses peer review process. The Journal will ensure that the reviewers are not affiliated with the same institution as the authors;
- The SCRD Journal is, as we already mentioned, an open access journal, that means that the users have the right to: read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles;
- The SCRD Journal supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal;
- The SCRD Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright as well as to to retain publishing rights without any restrictions;
- The SCRD Journal follows the CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike) Creative Commons copyright licenses.
- For suggestions, complaints and appeals regarding the SCRD Journal, please contact us;
- Conflicts of interest will be resolved n accordance with the objectives of the journal;
- Publishing schedule: biannual;
- Revenue sources: institutional support.
Indexing and Abstracting:
SCRD Journal is indexed and digitally preserved in the following databases:
(RePEc - Research Papers in Economics)
(Google Scholar)
(Index Copernicus International)
(CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library)
(SSRN - Social Science Research Network)
(EconPapers - Economics at your fingertips)
(Directory of Open Access Journals)
(Asian Science Citation Index)
(Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network)
and more to come!