
A smart city is a living city. It is similar, to some extent, to a living organism. The transportation system, encompassing highways, streets, boulevards, pedestrian avenues, bicycle trails, and subway networks, is analogous to the blood circulatory system in living organisms. The brain of the smart city is represented by public administration institutions, including the town hall, universities, and schools. Public utilities, such as sanitation and heating, represent the muscles of the smart city. The smart city breathes through its green spaces, pulsating like the heart, and is enriched through its attractions, such as museums, theaters, cinemas, and children's playgrounds.

However, the smart city is not without its flaws, represented by landfills, ruined buildings, and poor neighborhoods. The city's external connections, including railway stations, airports, ports, and universities, represent the senses and communication skills of a living organism. The city learns and evolves through the knowledge and experiences of its citizens as they travel and interact with other cities.

The implementation of smart city projects is an ongoing process, constantly adapting to new and emerging technologies. The Smart Cities and Regional Development (SCRD) Journal provides a platform for the dissemination of innovative ideas, successful project implementation, and recommendations for successful outcomes. Through its articles, readers can gain inspiration and solutions to problems within their communities.

The SCRD Journal offers guidance on the stages of development, innovation, and prototype/pilot program testing to facilitate the transformation of ideas into valuable outcomes. In a rapidly changing technological environment, the journal encourages its readers to remain abreast of the latest smart technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, to keep pace with the speed of innovation.


28 November 2023
Professor Catalin VRABIE