National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019)

The articles in this collection cover a diverse range of topics related to smart cities and international trade. Marcell László Tóth compares three smart cities from Middle-European countries, while Marica Dumitrascu examines the role of institutions in the liberal foreign trade policy of the Republic of Moldova. Takele Bekele Bayu measures governance performance in post-1991 Ethiopia, and Jiandong Shi presents a case study on the Sino-US photovoltaic dispute. Shiyi Tao explores the potential of smart tourism in reducing poverty, while Vilma Tomço, Edlira Gjolleshi, and Klorenta Pashaj analyze the use of e-signatures and e-services in Albania. Velibor Božić shares his experience with smart hospitals, and Valerii Logvinov and Svitlana Malonoga discuss the information infrastructure of emergency medical services in smart city solutions.