The Innovative Network Lounge «‘Sezatoarea’ Retelei Inovatoare» Technology Transfer Opportunities within the Smart Cities Platform / Oportunitati de Transfer Tehnologic in cadrul Platformei Oraselor Inteligente
optimized management, civil engagement, hybrid spaces, responsive public spaces, urban competiveness, Innovation City, open data initiatives, co-design, recalibration of regulatory framework, effective procurement procedures, joint capitalization, multifaceted approach, short- term focus, consistent long term deliverables, fragmented territorial intelligence, local ecosystems, social innovation, interchangeable & integrated clustered services, geospatial technologies, collaborative social networks, social living labs, public incubators, multi-scalar governance, network plasticity, collaborative innovation, place-based initiatives, local capacities, creative startups, green-growth industry, growth dynamicsAbstract
Smart solutions for urban spaces feed upon optimized management and civil engagement. COLLABORATION IS CHANGING DESIGN resulting in profound needs for urban reconversion towards hybrid spaces targeting responsive public spaces. City needs to produce benefits, being a capacity in itself. "What would I want ?" to see, to do, to find, to indulge, to encounter, to promote, to attract, to sense, to entertain, to inherit [ ... ] to « live and let die » sustainably. This is also determining New Ways of Working: technology becomes invisible, resulting into a more human scale of our built environments, ensuring the existence of social spaces, a good environment and generally speaking, a high quality of life. Smart implies joint capitalization ("piggy-banking" concept), means not just a(nother) pre?t-a-portrait concept, and triggers a multifaceted approach ("quick & dirty" ideas / solutions). Drawbacks in Romania so far relate to fragmented territorial intelligence and the need for a certain critical mass willing to get involved.
Programming intelligence in isolation is not enough to keep cities competitive and allow for the dissemination of the concept. Shared knowledge between smart businesses can easily be done throughout a platform of smart city initiatives. Puting together developers, researchers and administration responsibles will widely involve shared fee stakeholder participation, allowing for both calibration of end products and raising market awareness. The proposed discussion will answer the question of How (?) to cluster on knowledge transfer targeting competitive identities. Added value lies within creating ecosystems at local level for a global impact, echoing outcomes. Public-Private Cooperation Companies might partly solve a range of issues at hand.
Copyright (c) 2013 Wendy Laura Cinta

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